The Bloor West Villager did an extra photo pull-out section last week, which was fun to shoot for. The idea was to get photos of life in the neighbourhood around the clock. These are a few of mine. Copyright Mary Gaudet/Metroland-Toronto Community News

Kristianne Monsivais gets ready to board a train at Keele Station, on her way to work at a travel agency downtown.

Students in Grade 1 at Swansea Public School, including from left Tomaz, Trevor, Jack and Sage, figure out what bullying is during a special class dedicated to recognizing and resolving conflicts before they escalate.

Ms. Cher Mark gathers her Grade 1 students, including from left Emilia, Vivian, Saige, and Alexandra, for the start of class at Swansea Public School.

Tony Pereira carries a wild Pacific halibut at Snapper's Seafood, 263 Durie St. Co-owner of Snappers for the past 12 years, Pereira has been selling a wide variety of fish to the people of Bloor West for many more.

Michele Gare, left, watches as Ash Yoon prepares to place another needle to help treat her migraines at the Toronto Acupuncture Studio, 961 Bloor St. Founded by Yoon, the clinic operates on a sliding scale to make acupuncture more accessible to people who need it regardless of income.

Marcel Skura, scaling the wall in Boulderz Climbing Centre at 1444 Dupont, has been climbing indoors and out for three years. The space is open every day, and includes a youth climbing team that has competed nationally and internationally.

Firefighter Bill Hicks slides down the fire pole at the Junction Fire Station #423, late in a 24-hour shift that included fighting flames in an apartment, tackling a brush fire in High Park, and a call to an industrial accident.

Toronto Police Staff Sargent Bruce Morrison scans a screen showing all the prisoners in lock-up for the night at the 11 Division Station on Davenport Road. Police officers working the overnight shift are inspected and receive orders for the night at 11pm, then head out on patrol until 7am. Officers work overnight one week of every five.

Toronto Police Sargent Sal Granata gives officers their instructions for the night, warning them of possible problems.

Toronto Police Constable Yev Kravchenko readies his shotgun for the overnight shift before leaving the 11 Division parking lot on Davenport Road.

Magnetic Resonant Imagining (MRI) technologist Nancy Chmelik gives Jackie Gushue a call button in preparation for a knee scan late on a Friday night at St. Joseph's Hospital. Patients are scheduled 24 hours a day in the MRI, which aligns water molecules in the body with magnets to produce 3D images of organs, vessels, and other soft tissue.
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