Thursday, May 13, 2010

Alice MacLachlan and Amy Campbell Noseworthy celebrate their wedding in Toronto. Legal in Canada since 2005, many couples around the world still don't have this right.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary,
    I am hoping to talk with you about the prison farm photos you took earlier this year.
    Could you please email me at

    Lenny E


About Me

I'm a photojournalist based in Toronto, Canada. I started working in the summer of 2010, shooting for weekly newspapers, magazines, and the web, after a year at Loyalist College in Belleville, Ontario. My background is in anthropology, and graduate studies took me to South America to look at social change and political empowerment. I try to bring together my anthropology and photography studies in my work, since at their best both are about looking closely to find revealing moments, so we can better understand one another's lives.